721 Norwood Road | Silver Spring, MD 20905 | Office: 240-389-1366 |
Reverend Father Dimitrios Lee, Presiding Priest​ | Email:
Very Reverend Father Kallinikos Chasapis, Assistant Priest​ | Email:

Serving in God's Altar is indeed an honor. The Altar is called the "Holy of Holies" so this is a sacred place. As Altar servers, you are assisting the clergy during services. Altar boys serving in the Altar must be robed and positioned around the Holy Altar Table by 8:25 AM each Sunday. If you would like to become an Altar Boy, please contact the church office.
When serving as an Altar boy You Should:
​Always serve when your team is scheduled.
During the summer, all Altar boys in the church are welcomed to serve.
Dress neatly and comb your hair.
Hang your robe neatly. If Liturgy has already begun, just quietly put on your robe then take up your position next to the Altar table. (Although you should be in the Altar before the liturgy begins).
Be quiet and attentive (pay attention).
Always listen to your team captain. It is his duty to prepare processions and assign things to carry. He has the responsibility to make sure things run smoothly in the Altar!
While the priest is distributing the antidoron (bread), blow out the candles from the Altar table.
Please make as little noise as possible.
After the liturgy, when the priest dismisses you, take your robe off and neatly hang it up in the closet.
The role of the altar Boy remains a genuine and vital one in the Eucharistic Assembly of the faithful, as well as in other services. He stands ready to serve God in this capacity. It is a stewardship of young men; a service that they offer to God as their regular Sunday offering of talent and ability.
The mission of the Altar Boy Ministry is to help assist the priest in providing boys, ages 9 to 18, with the opportunity to become stewards of the church by donating their time and talents in the Holy Altar. This Ministry helps the Altar boys assist the Priest during the Divine Liturgy on Sundays and during the many other services throughout the Church Year. The Ministry develops the scheduling of the teams and oversees the implementation and ongoing education of those serving in the altar.