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Parish Committees

Our Parish Committees are an extension of how we work together as a community. Your stewardship to this Parish should also include some level of involvement in activities surrounding our Parish. You are encouraged to offer your support and help to your church by volunteering to serve on a committee of your choice. Simply contact the church office. You may also contact Father Michael and discuss your interests with him. Feel free to contact us with any questions.


Capital Fund Raising Committee

PURPOSE: Develop and implement fundraising projects for the economic stability of the Parish.

We always need more volunteers. If you are interested in assisting please contact the church office or any committee member.


Festival Committee

PURPOSE:  Report to the Council on the activities, decisions, and progress of Greek Festival preparations and execution.  

The Festival Committee is responsible for planning and hosting our annual Greek Festival. The duties of this committee include preparing all of the food, obtaining licenses, overseeing logistics and most importantly, working with the ladies of the Parish Philoptochos to ensure the festival is a success. We always need more volunteers. If you are interested in assisting please contact the church office.


Greek Language Program Committee

PURPOSE: Act as the Parish Council’s representative in assisting the Priest and the directors of the Greek Language Program in providing accredited Greek Languages classes

This committee will present annual school budget for approval, manage school activities thru and with the School Director, provide Annual Evaluation of School Director, provide Monthly Report to Board on School issues, budget, staffing, and enrollment. We always need more volunteers. If you are interested in assisting please contact the church office.


Office Administration & IT Committee

PURPOSE: Provide technical and administrative support for running the Church Office and Parish Community, to include our website and social media presence.
The committee will automate office functions via affordable technology solutions. We always need more volunteers. If you are interested in assisting please contact the church office or any committee member.


Stewardship Committee

PURPOSE:  To create and execute a program for the solicitation and fulfillment of annual pledges from all members.
The committee will; coordinate efforts with the Finance Committee and the Executive Board, promote and actively solicit Church membership and commitments, maintain an updated Membership Roster for posting and publication, submit monthly reports to the Parish Council on the totals for each type of steward and corresponding amounts donated.  We always need more volunteers. If you are interested in assisting please contact the church office.


Youth Ministry Committee

PURPOSE:  Act as Parish Council’s representative between it all youth-related activities.
This committee will:

  • Develop ongoing programming for the edification of the adult constituency of the Saints Constantine and Helen, i.e. seminars, lectures, retreats, etc.

  • Act as the Parish Council’s representative in assisting the Priest and the directors of the Sunday School, Senior and Youth Choirs.

  • Review, discuss and report on the respective programs and needs.

  • Report to the Parish Council on Youth Activities.


We always need more volunteers. If you are interested in assisting please contact the church office.


Saints  Constantine & Helen 

Greek Orthodox Church of Washington, D.C .


​Father Dimitrios Lee, Presiding Priest


Father Kallinikos Chasapis, Assistant Priest


721 Norwood Road

Silver Spring, MD 20905

(p) 240 - 389 - 1366



© 2020 Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church of Washington, DC. All Rights Reserved. 

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