721 Norwood Road | Silver Spring, MD 20905 | Office: 240-389-1366 |
Reverend Father Dimitrios Lee, Presiding Priest​ | Email:
Very Reverend Father Kallinikos Chasapis, Assistant Priest​ | Email:

Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church of Washington, D.C.
Executive Board Members
President: JoAnn Nasios
1st Vice President: Robin Walter
2nd Vice President: Elizabeth Vakalopoulos
Treasurer: Anthoula Bizbikis
Asst. Treasurer: Voula Vithoulkas
Recording Sec: Kathy Hallas
Correspond. Sec: Effie Tiches
Advisor: Nikki Pappas
Board Members
Georgia Bisbikis
Georgia Ferentinos
Kathy Kafarakis
Terri Karadimas
Sophia Mantzouranis
Kathy Matrakas
Chrysse Mayes
Myroulla Moshogianis
Stephanie Stamos
Helen Thornberg
Athanasia Raptis
Stasy Ward
A Note from JoAnn Nasios, President of the Ladies Philoptochos, Sts. Constantine and Helen:
The mission statement for our Philoptochos is “…to aid the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, the handicapped, the victims of disasters, to undertake the burial of impoverished persons and to offer assistance to anyone who may need the help of the Church.”
​The Ladies Philoptochos Society of Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church of Washington, D.C., is a wonderful and philanthropic service in our community. As we begin our activities for 2022-2023, we look forward to welcoming new members. This year will be an exciting year for our community, and we hope you will be part of our Philoptochos Society’s contribution to this new chapter in our community’s history.
Would you like to join our Philoptochos?
Please contact our vice president, Robin Walters, at or 301-854-3494.
In our greater community, these are some of the philanthropic endeavors that we are involved in:
Women’s Homeless Shelters-Donations of food, clothing and personal items, and we cook and serve meals;
Bake and Sell Pastries
Donate School Supplies
Food and Children’s Clothing Drives
Outreach, Fellowship and so much more
We firmly believe that the men of our community are important in the life of this Philoptochos ministry. We invite all the men in our community to join our Philoptochos ministry as associate stewards and be an important part of the work done in the name of charity and philanthropy. We have two men who have become Associate Stewards of the Philoptochos.
For a long period of time, there have been a small group of dedicated women who have been baking for our Bake Sales and pastries for our Festivals. Many more volunteers are needed. Please join us for fellowship and Parea.
We thank all the Ladies who have continually been faithful Church and Philoptochos stewards and have consistently renewed their commitment to Philoptochos. We are looking forward in welcoming new members to our Ministry.
In 1933, the parish ladies auxiliary, PRONIA, was organized under the leadership of Mrs. Evangeline Yeonas. In 1961, Archbishop Iakovos requested that all ladies’ church auxiliaries be united under the National Philoptochos Society of the Archdiocese. On March 12, 1961, under the leadership of Father James Kalaris, the earlier PRONIA was changed to the Philoptochos Society. Mrs. Marion Kopsidas was the first president, and Mrs. Kopsidas served for four and a half years. The first Philoptochos Fall Festival was held in 196l on the church grounds and was the beginning of the three day weekend Fall Festival which has continued for many years. Mrs. Kopsidas was awarded The Golden Cross of the Royal Order of Welfare by Greek Ambassador Matsas on behalf of King Constantine of Greece for her distinguished welfare services for Greece and for the American Red Cross. Many ladies of our community have served as Philoptochos presidents. The following is a list of past Philoptochos presidents:
Mrs. Louis Kalavritinos
Mrs. Phyllis Averinos
Mrs. Irene Chapin
Mrs. Helen G. Stathopoulos
Mrs. Bess Koutras
Mrs. Cookie Papuchis
Mrs. Helen Thornberg
Mrs. Nikki Pappas
Mrs. Voula Hays
We thank all of our past presidents, our past and present officers, and board members for all of their hard work and dedication to all of the Philoptochos endeavors.
The Ladies Philoptochos Society supports both national and local charities.
Our national commitments include the following organizations:
Academy of Saint Basil
Social Services
Cancer Fund
Autism Assistance Fund
Saint Photios Shrine
Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC)
Support a Mission Priest
Hellenic College of Holy Cross
Sisterhood of Saint Basil Academy
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) 75th Anniversary Founders Fund
Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF)
Hellenic College Holy Cross Scholarship Fund
Retired Clergy and Widowed Presvyteres Benevolent Fund
National Philoptochos Emergency Fund
Ecumenical Patriarchate
National Sisterhood of Presvyteres Benevolent Fund
United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
General Medical Fund.
​Our Archdiocesan Direct District commitments are to the following organizations:
St. Michael’s Home
Hellenic Cultural Center
The Holy Cross Scholarship
Our Local Appeals include the following organizations:
Special Olympics
The Salvation Army
Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Mid- Atlantic
Playing Cards for American Troops-372nd MP Army Unit-Deployed to Afghanistan
Caring For Others
Children’s AGAPE Foundation
Easter Seals
Christmas Luncheon- raffle gifts
Christmas Luncheon-Christmas favors
House of Ruth
Angel Tree Program
Fisher House-Bethesda
St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival-Gift Cards
AHEPA Awards Committee-Scholarship
The Children’s Inn at NIH
USO (United Service Organization)
Avon Walk for Breast Cancer
Ionian Village Scholarship
Capital Area Food Bank
Central Union Mission
St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival-Program Book
March of Dimes
IOCC-Spirit of Love Action Banquet
Taverna Night
In January of every year, the Philoptochos sponsors our Annual Vasilopita celebration following the Divine Liturgy. All proceeds are sent to The Saint Basil Academy in New York.
​During the months of February and March, the Philoptochos ladies are busy preparing for the Annual Easter Bake Sale, using the proceeds to support our national and local obligations. In addition, we organize the making of the palms for Palm Sunday, prepare for the Palm Sunday Luncheon, and decorate our beautiful Epitaphion with the help of the GOYANS, GOYA families, Parish Council, Sunday School, Greek School, choir, altar boys, and members of our community. In May, the Philoptochos ladies sponsor a reception in honor of the Feast Day of our Church, Sts. Constantine and Helen.
During the months of June, July, August, and September, the community, under the guidance of the Ladies Philoptochos, is busy baking for our Annual Fall Festival which has become one of the great cultural events of Washington, D.C. In October, we participate in Greek Taverna Night held at Sts. Peter and Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church in Potomac, Maryland, and we also participate in the Annual Tea to benefit the Children’s AGAPE Foundation of the Greater Washington Area Philoptochos Societies (helping Orthodox children with financial assistance for medical treatment). The Children’s AGAPE Tea is hosted by one of the Greek Orthodox parishes in the Washington Metropolitan Area.
Every year, on the first Sunday of November, the Philoptochos ladies offer an Artoclasia in honor of the Feast Day of Sts. Cosmas and Damianos, the patron saints of the Philoptochos. Saints Cosmas and Damianos assisted the poor and afflicted without compensation. A special tray is also passed benefiting the Patriarchate’s programs and charities. In addition, the ladies are busy baking for our Annual Christmas Bake Sale, participating in the Annual IOCC Spirit of Love Action Banquet, and selling tickets for our Annual Christmas Luncheon.
In December the ladies of Philoptochos organize and participate in the annual Philoptochos Christmas Luncheon and the annual Christmas Bake Sale to benefit our national and local charities.
During the year, the Philoptochos ladies visit our parishioners and friends who are in assisted living homes, nursing homes, and those parishioners who are homebound.
We thank our community which has supported all of our Ladies Philoptochos Society endeavors.