721 Norwood Road | Silver Spring, MD 20905 | Office: 240-389-1366 |
Reverend Father Dimitrios Lee, Presiding Priest​ | Email:
Very Reverend Father Kallinikos Chasapis, Assistant Priest​ | Email:

Reverend Father Dimitrios Lee, Presiding Priest
Father Dimitri is a native of Sheboygan, WI from the parish of Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church. Growing up in the Altar form a young age, his love of serving the church roots back to childhood. His Greek Orthodox faith was instilled by his parents, grandparents, and parish priest . The Church was central and every aspect of life revolved around major festal holidays.
After deciding to go to Seminary School at the age of seventeen, Fr. Dimitri attended Hellenic College immediately after graduating High School. After four years of undergraduate study, he attended the Graduate School of Holy Cross for three years. These seven years of schooling left a heavy imprint and played a vital role in his development as a servant leader. It was during these years that he developed a love for mission work, having completed two mission trips to Kenya through OCMC, Orthodox Christian Mission Center. Fr. Dimitri remains a mission focused priest, aiming to broaden our Orthodox Church by supporting those less fortunate.
After graduating from Seminary School, Fr. Dimitri worked for IOCC, International Orthodox Christian Charities in Baltimore, MD. It was here that under the mentorship of Dean Triantafilou, he developed an appreciation for non-profit work and fund raising. The road to Baltimore then led Fr. Dimitri to the Cathedral of the Annunciation in downtown Baltimore. Rev. Fr. Dean Moralis offered incredible training on parish life and how to build a vibrant ministry team.
The first assignment as a clergyman took place at Saint Sophia Cathedral in Washington, DC. Under the mentorship of Rev. Fr. John T. Tavlarides and especially Rev. Fr. Steven P. Zorzos, Fr. Dimitri learned how to function as a Greek Orthodox Priest in a large and thriving community. After more than ten years of service, the relationships and experiences made an incredible impact that will never be forgotten.
Fr. Dimitri was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Eminence Metropolitan Savvas of Pittsburgh in 2010 and to the priesthood by the former Archbishop of America, His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios in January of 2011. The transition to Proistamenos of Saints Constantine and Helen of Washington, DC took place in June, 2021 by the Archbishop of America, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros.
The new chapter in Fr. Dimitrios' life is introducing him to a beautiful new community filled with loving and dedicated parishioners. Together they will build up the body of Christ and attempt to reflect his light and love for the entire world.